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Deceive menopause - identifying enemy ;)

Writer: Barbara PowelecBarbara Powelec

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

For starters, some boring facts🥱

According to the World Health Organization, this is the last menstruation in a woman's life.

It is diagnosed when there is no period for a year..

Then the woman cannot get pregnant and her menstrual cycle is stopped. The stage covering a few years before and a few years after the last menstrual period is called the perimenopausal period.

It lasts from 10 to 14 years and usually starts between the ages of 44 and 56. Each lady has a slightly different course, but it is a natural process between fertility and aging.

Menopause usually occurs between 48 and 52 years of age. However, it's depends on many factors.

First of all, menopause appears at a similar age in mother and daughter. Busy women who lead irregular lifestyles, who are dependent on smoking, also go through menopause faster.

The occurrence of menopause is also influenced by diabetes mellitus, drugs reducing estrogen concentration, diseases of the immune system, radiation and chemotherapy.

Premature menopause befalls before the age of 40 in one woman in a hundred.

Early menopause come about before the age of 30 in one woman in a thousand. The causes of menopause at this age are unknown. It is only known that it can occur after oncological diseases and surgical treatment within the reproductive tract.

Most often after excision of the uterus and ovaries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

⚠Diagnosis of the menopause is very simple because a home urine test or blood test is sufficient.

Then it is possible to check the concentration of foliculotropic hormone (FSH). Its elevated level indicates a menopause.

A urine test performed at home is 99 per cent effective, but the result is influenced by hormonal contraceptive pills. Ladies who use this method of protection should perform a blood count.

The symptoms of menopause

A woman up to the age of about 35 years retains full fertility. Then processes begin in her body, which lead to the extinction of ovarian function. There are two periods that occur just before menopause, these are:

- premenopause,

- perimenopause.

Premenopause is a stage between fertility and menopause. Then the amount of foliculotropic hormone (FSH) increases in the body, which is responsible for the maturation of follicles and estrogen secretion.

The woman may then notice differences in menstruation - bleeding may be shorter or longer, more or less abundant. The premenopause can last from 4 to 10 years.

Perimenopause occurs 3-4 years before and one year after menopause. Most often a woman starts her fifth decade of life then. The symptoms are more and more tiring as FSH levels increase and the concentration of estrogen and progesterone decreases.

It is estimated that 40 percent of the cycles are non-ovulatory and the number of Graaf bubbles in the ovaries decreases rapidly.

Symptoms indicating menopause are:

blotting between menstrual periods

breast pain

the pain in your abdomen

back pain

hot flushes


excessive sweating

sleep problems

waking up in the middle of the night

getting up early in the morning

a chronic feeling of tiredness

facial redness



crying attacks

memory and concentration disorders

vaginal dryness

pain during intercourse

the libido drop



muscle pain

joint pain

palpitation of the heart

frequent urination

urinary incontinence

bone brittleness

feeling depressed

About 80 percent of women experience most of these symptoms for several years. The symptoms disappear at the end of the period and then disappear completely.

In 20 percent of people, the body is not able to get used to the hormonal changes and the menopause symptoms occur much longer, even up to 70 years of age.

Symptoms of menopause shouldn't be ignored, it is very important to visit a doctor regularly and to perform blood morphology.

Menopause increases the risk of heart disease and vascular diseases. Osteoporosis and even depression can also occur.


During the menopause there are many rapid changes in the body, mainly related to the concentration of hormones. They increase the risk of complications, such as:

infections of the intimate area,

vaginal atrophy,

urinary incontinence,




cardiovascular disease,


It is very important not to ignore your well-being, and to report all your worrying symptoms to your doctor.

The risk of complications decreases:

a healthy diet,

daily activity


bone density testing,

blood count,

regular blood pressure measurement,

quitting smoking,

calcium supplementation,

vitamin D3 supplementation.

In the next post I will describe the information about hormone replacement therapy recommended by doctors. About its advantages and disadvantages, and I will then present the natural alternatives. The methods used by women all over the world since the dawn of time. I don't deny modern medicine and its achievements. I just think that if you can help yourself with natural methods, you have to do it. We're part of nature, it feeds and heals us.



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